Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flight, Black You Wore


"Black You Wore"

Now I know I've gone on record as saying that you should be cautious of any band whose guitarist uses more than two pedals (and you should probably run if the bassist uses any pedal other than a tuner), but tonight after one peanut butter cup and one KitKat, the effects sound pretty alright.

And besides, it's a computer, not pedals. Even worse? Yeah, maybe.

Picture via.


noxidgerg said...

only got the TS9 and the Memory Man in my FX chain- I guess I'm in the clear...

noxidgerg said...

Oh wait, does a volume pedal count? I'm thinking of adding one of those.

M. H. D. said...

Volume pedals don't count. Tuners might not even count either. I'm flexible on that one.

David said...

I read that as "Fight Back You Whore"