Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Saw This On The Ground Today


I have no idea what this is. At first I thought it was some kind of pet food, but why would it all be bunched up together like that? I didn't smell it. I was afraid. Any ideas? If Carlos Gonzales still lived in town, I would probably guess he had something to do with it. But he doesn't live here anymore.


Liz said...

This looks like puked-up, partially digested pet food. Don't ask how I know. Ask my cat.

Anonymous said...

I think it could be a holiday treat (that was originally in the shape of a candy cane) for a dog and the dog didn't like it so it got left in the snow and then the snow melted--but Liz could be right, too!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Liz. I've seen this come out of Scout the Dog.

Unknown said...

It looks like raw (and graying) ground beef. Mmm.